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Download NHS England Tableau templates

Start your dashboard journey here

All dashboard development must start with the empty templates, this will save time as the container structure, headers, chart titles, colours and logos are already in the correct place.

Empty templates

Empty templates download link

Download the empty templates directly or view the empty templates on the NHS England public server.

All Tableau dashboard development must start with the empty templates

Starting your development with the empty templates will benefit you by:

  • Saving development time

    Drag and drop your visualisations into empty containers. Headers, colours and logos follow NHS identity specifications and are pre-populated in the correct location.

  • Delivering a consistent user experience

    Using the empty templates will allow you to create products that are instantly recognisable as NHS products.

  • Aligning to standards

    The templates have been co-designed with User-Centred Design colleagues to meet cross-government standards. They are regularly updated in accordance with latest best practice.

How to use the empty templates:

These empty templates must be used when starting the development of your dashboard.

  1. Download the empty templates using the link above
  2. Open the .twbx file
  3. Connect to your data source
  4. Remove the dummy data source
  5. Start developing!

Example of the empty template

Empty templates

Screenshot of the empty NHS England dashboard templates

Populated templates

Populated templates download link

Download the populated templates directly or view the populated templates on the NHS England public server.

How to use the populated templates:

These populated templates should be used as a guide as to how your dashboard could look.

  • 'All items' is a catalogue that shows a large range of components that can be used in your dashboards.
  • Other dashboards in the workbook are example dashboard layouts that can be used as inspiration.
  • 'Typical', 'Executive View', 'Metric Descriptions' and 'About' dashboards contain pre-built mobile views.
  • When you are ready to start developing your own dashboard, download the empty templates above.
  • Do not use the populated templates to develop your dashboards.

Example of the populated template

Populated templates

Screenshot of the populated NHS England dashboard templates