Where NHS England dashboards are embedded into web pages it is best to make use of the existing web wrapper via the NHS England apps model portal, this makes use of the 'showing sheets as tabs' Tableau navigation function. Where this web wrapper is not available, or two tier navigations are required it is best to use Tableau navigation buttons instead.
Web wrapper
NHS England apps model portal web wrapper
Tableau developers should build their dashboard pages from beneath the web wrapper navigation tabs. In the image below, the top part in grey overlay is the web wrapper, the rest is built in Tableau.
Navigation buttons
Where the web wrapper is not available or a two tier navigation is required, use the navigation buttons. We recommend no more than 5 navigation buttons in a single row.
Single tier navigation:
Double tier navigation:
In Tableau, the in-built navigation buttons have a restricted colour palette for text fonts, therefore non NHS colours have been used.
Use the templates examples to create navigation buttons
The easiest way to create the single and double tier navigation is to copy the examples directly from the templates.
Other forms of navigation
Tabs as navigation
Including default tabs is the quickest, easiest way to allow users to navigate the dashboard. They are used in many products so users will be accustomed to using them naturally and they maximise space simply. We would advise this method. It is ideal not to have more than eight tabs.
KPIs / Visualisation as navigation
Users should be able to navigate through dashboards by clicking on the KPIs or on any areas within the visualisations.
Add hyperlinks to websites with more information (such as the HES Data Dictionary or published data on the NHS England website) or on the cover/about page.
Using breadcrumbs can help a user locate where they are in the dashboard and can be a shortcut to higher level pages.