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Inequalities in Diabetes from PHM Data

How to extract inequalities information from linked population health management data

Figure 1: Workflow in ESNEFT tools to process the data into Lower Super Output Area granularity for mapping and analysis

A collaborations with East Suffolk and North Essex foundation trust (ESNEFT) to apply a suite of data science techniques to a large population health data including both primary and secondary care data. The aim of the project was to identify inequalities in diabetes care whilst making reusable code bases which can now be applied for different conditions and in different organisations.

A small collection of code bases have been created to support the analysis of inequalities in diabetes services for a single locality based on linked population health data.


The project was able to both deliver new insights around drivers for inequalities as well as reproducible analytical pipelines in the code-bases. This means the code and approach can be reused for other disease or could be adapted for different localities.

Output Link
Open Source Code & Documentation DNA Risk Predict & Diabetes Inequalities & Morbidity Network
Case Study Awaiting Sign-Off
Technical report Here
Project Slides Here