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3. Installing Julia


Requires Julia to run. This particular setup was tested with Julia version 1.8.5 on an M1 MBP.

CorrectMatch is used via a thin Python wrapper for the Julia module CorrectMatch.jl to estimate uniqueness from small population samples.

3.1 Install Julia

Open a new terminal and install the recommended julia installer

Install Julia
curl -fsSL https://install.julialang.org | sh

Download Julia version 1.8.5 and set default to 1.8.5
juliaup add 1.8.5
juliaup default 1.8.5

3.2 Adding Julia to Path

You will want to use a text editor such as nano to edit your shell configuration file.

Opening shell configuration file for Mac
nano ~/.bash_profile
Opening shell configuration file for WSL
nano ~/.bashrc

Then on this file you will need to add this line to the bottom of this file

Adding Julia to path
export PATH="$HOME/.julia/juliaup/bin:$PATH"

You will need to reload the terminal OR you can run the following commands:

Re-initialising the Shell for Mac
source ~/.bash_profile
Re-initialising the Shell for WSL
source ~/.bashrc

3.3 Adding CorrectMatch

Add CorrectMatch package to Julia
julia -e 'using Pkg; Pkg.add("CorrectMatch")'