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This is not the official site but a set of links to codebases designed to be adapted for wider use. For more information about NHS England please visit our official website

Forecasting - Univariate

This repo is a more advanced look into univariate forecasting.

The techniques used in this repo are ARIMA, SARIMAX and a look into Facebook’s Prophet Forecasting model. As there is a lot to understand before you can deploy a SARIMAX model, the repo will take you through the necessary data investigation steps, and explore the intricacies of the datastream, and the necessary knowledge steps before you can deploy a SARIMAX model.

You can find the code here

A second repo focussed on Forecasting Introduction is also availble with some initial steps and a look into other types of Forecasting models

RAP level: Baseline

A view of the Code documentation can be seen in the iframe below.