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Read, write and process config files, including handling of module-specific / common config overrides.

assemble_config(args, all_subparsers)

Assemble and arrange a nested-via-module configuration dictionary from parsed command-line arguments to be output as a YAML record.


Name Type Description Default
args Namespace

A namespace object containing all parsed command-line arguments.

all_subparsers dict[str, ArgumentParser]

A dictionary mapping module names to subparser objects.



Type Description
dict[str, Any]

A dictionary containing configuration information extracted from args in a module-wise nested format that is YAML-friendly.


Type Description

If a module specified in args.modules_to_run is not in all_subparsers.

Source code in src/nhssynth/cli/
def assemble_config(
    args: argparse.Namespace,
    all_subparsers: dict[str, argparse.ArgumentParser],
) -> dict[str, Any]:
    Assemble and arrange a nested-via-module configuration dictionary from parsed command-line arguments to be output as a YAML record.

        args: A namespace object containing all parsed command-line arguments.
        all_subparsers: A dictionary mapping module names to subparser objects.

        A dictionary containing configuration information extracted from `args` in a module-wise nested format that is YAML-friendly.

        ValueError: If a module specified in `args.modules_to_run` is not in `all_subparsers`.
    args_dict = vars(args)

    # Filter out the keys that are not relevant to the config file
    args_dict = filter_dict(
        args_dict, {"func", "experiment_name", "save_config", "save_config_path", "module_handover"}
    for k in args_dict.copy().keys():
        # Remove empty metric lists from the config
        if "_metrics" in k and not args_dict[k]:

    modules_to_run = args_dict.pop("modules_to_run")
    if len(modules_to_run) == 1:
        run_type = modules_to_run[0]
    elif modules_to_run == PIPELINE:
        run_type = "pipeline"
        raise ValueError(f"Invalid value for `modules_to_run`: {modules_to_run}")

    # Generate a dictionary containing each module's name from the run, with all of its possible corresponding config args
    module_args = {
        module_name: [action.dest for action in all_subparsers[module_name]._actions if action.dest != "help"]
        for module_name in modules_to_run

    # Use the flat namespace to populate a nested (by module) dictionary of config args and values
    out_dict = {}
    for module_name in modules_to_run:
        for k in args_dict.copy().keys():
            # We want to keep dataset, experiment_name, seed and save_config at the top-level as they are core args
            if k in module_args[module_name] and k not in {
                if module_name not in out_dict:
                    out_dict[module_name] = {}
                v = args_dict.pop(k)
                if v is not None:
                    out_dict[module_name][k] = v

    # Assemble the final dictionary in YAML-compliant form
    return {**({"run_type": run_type} if run_type else {}), **args_dict, **out_dict}

get_default_and_required_args(top_parser, module_parsers)

Get the default and required arguments for the top-level parser and the current run's corresponding list of module parsers.


Name Type Description Default
top_parser ArgumentParser

The top-level parser (contains common arguments).

module_parsers dict[str, ArgumentParser]

The dict of module-level parsers mapped to their names.



Type Description
tuple[dict[str, Any], list[str]]

A tuple containing two elements: - A dictionary containing all arguments and their default values. - A list of key-value-pairs of the required arguments and their associated module.

Source code in src/nhssynth/cli/
def get_default_and_required_args(
    top_parser: argparse.ArgumentParser,
    module_parsers: dict[str, argparse.ArgumentParser],
) -> tuple[dict[str, Any], list[str]]:
    Get the default and required arguments for the top-level parser and the current run's corresponding list of module parsers.

        top_parser: The top-level parser (contains common arguments).
        module_parsers: The dict of module-level parsers mapped to their names.

        A tuple containing two elements:
            - A dictionary containing all arguments and their default values.
            - A list of key-value-pairs of the required arguments and their associated module.
    all_actions = {"top-level": top_parser._actions} | {m: p._actions for m, p in module_parsers.items()}
    defaults = {}
    required_args = []
    for module, actions in all_actions.items():
        for action in actions:
            if action.dest not in ["help", "==SUPPRESS=="]:
                defaults[action.dest] = action.default
                if action.required:
                    required_args.append({"arg": action.dest, "module": module})
    return defaults, required_args


Get the list of modules to run from the passed executor function.


Name Type Description Default
executor Callable

The executor function to run.



Type Description

A list of module names to run.

Source code in src/nhssynth/cli/
def get_modules_to_run(executor: Callable) -> list[str]:
    Get the list of modules to run from the passed executor function.

        executor: The executor function to run.

        A list of module names to run.
    if executor == run_pipeline:
        return PIPELINE
        return [get_key_by_value({mn: mc.func for mn, mc in MODULE_MAP.items()}, executor)]

read_config(args, parser, all_subparsers)

Hierarchically assembles a config argparse.Namespace object for the inferred modules to run and execute, given a file.

  1. Load the YAML file containing the config to read from
  2. Check a valid run_type is specified or infer it and determine the list of modules_to_run
  3. Establish the appropriate default configuration set of arguments from the parser and all_subparsers for the determined modules_to_run
  4. Overwrite these with the specified (sub)set of config in the YAML file
  5. Overwrite again with passed command-line args (these are considered 'overrides')
  6. Run the appropriate module(s) or pipeline with the resulting configuration Namespace object


Name Type Description Default
args Namespace

Namespace object containing arguments from the command line

parser ArgumentParser

top-level ArgumentParser object containing common arguments

all_subparsers dict[str, ArgumentParser]

dictionary of ArgumentParser objects, one for each module



Type Description

A Namespace object containing the assembled configuration settings


Type Description

if any required arguments are missing from the configuration file / overrides

Source code in src/nhssynth/cli/
def read_config(
    args: argparse.Namespace,
    parser: argparse.ArgumentParser,
    all_subparsers: dict[str, argparse.ArgumentParser],
) -> argparse.Namespace:
    Hierarchically assembles a config `argparse.Namespace` object for the inferred modules to run and execute, given a file.

    1. Load the YAML file containing the config to read from
    2. Check a valid `run_type` is specified or infer it and determine the list of `modules_to_run`
    3. Establish the appropriate default configuration set of arguments from the `parser` and `all_subparsers` for the determined `modules_to_run`
    4. Overwrite these with the specified (sub)set of config in the YAML file
    5. Overwrite again with passed command-line `args` (these are considered 'overrides')
    6. Run the appropriate module(s) or pipeline with the resulting configuration `Namespace` object

        args: Namespace object containing arguments from the command line
        parser: top-level `ArgumentParser` object containing common arguments
        all_subparsers: dictionary of `ArgumentParser` objects, one for each module

        A Namespace object containing the assembled configuration settings

        AssertionError: if any required arguments are missing from the configuration file / overrides
    # Open the passed yaml file and load into a dictionary
    with open(f"config/{args.input_config}.yaml") as stream:
        config_dict = yaml.safe_load(stream)

    valid_run_types = [x for x in all_subparsers.keys() if x != "config"]

    version = config_dict.pop("version", None)
    if version and version != version("nhssynth"):
            f"This config file's specified version ({version}) does not match the currently installed version of nhssynth ({version('nhssynth')}), results may differ."
    elif not version:
        version = ver("nhssynth")

    run_type = config_dict.pop("run_type", None)

    if run_type == "pipeline":
        modules_to_run = PIPELINE
        modules_to_run = [x for x in config_dict.keys() | {run_type} if x in valid_run_types]
        if not args.custom_pipeline:
            modules_to_run = sorted(modules_to_run, key=lambda x: PIPELINE.index(x))

    if not modules_to_run:
            "Missing or invalid `run_type` and / or module specification hierarchy in `config/{args.input_config}.yaml`, defaulting to a full run of the pipeline"
        modules_to_run = PIPELINE

    # Get all possible default arguments by scraping the top level `parser` and the appropriate sub-parser for the `run_type`
    args_dict, required_args = get_default_and_required_args(
        parser, filter_dict(all_subparsers, modules_to_run, include=True)

    # Find the non-default arguments amongst passed `args` by seeing which of them are different to the entries of `args_dict`
    non_default_passed_args_dict = {
        k: v
        for k, v in vars(args).items()
        if k in ["input_config", "custom_pipeline"] or (k in args_dict and k != "func" and v != args_dict[k])

    # Overwrite the default arguments with the ones from the yaml file

    # Overwrite the result of the above with any non-default CLI args

    # Create a new Namespace using the assembled dictionary
    new_args = argparse.Namespace(**args_dict)
    assert getattr(
        new_args, "dataset"
    ), "No dataset specified in the passed config file, provide one with the `--dataset` argument or add it to the config file"
    assert all(
        getattr(new_args, req_arg["arg"]) for req_arg in required_args
    ), f"Required arguments are missing from the passed config file: {[ra['module'] + ':' + ra['arg'] for ra in required_args if not getattr(new_args, ra['arg'])]}"

    # Run the appropriate execution function(s)
    if not new_args.seed:
        warnings.warn("No seed has been specified, meaning the results of this run may not be reproducible.")
    new_args.version = version
    new_args.modules_to_run = modules_to_run
    new_args.module_handover = {}
    for module in new_args.modules_to_run:

    return new_args

write_config(args, all_subparsers)

Assembles a configuration dictionary from the run config and writes it to a YAML file at the location specified by args.save_config_path.


Name Type Description Default
args Namespace

A namespace containing the run's configuration.

all_subparsers dict[str, ArgumentParser]

A dictionary containing all subparsers for the config args.

Source code in src/nhssynth/cli/
def write_config(
    args: argparse.Namespace,
    all_subparsers: dict[str, argparse.ArgumentParser],
) -> None:
    Assembles a configuration dictionary from the run config and writes it to a YAML file at the location specified by `args.save_config_path`.

        args: A namespace containing the run's configuration.
        all_subparsers: A dictionary containing all subparsers for the config args.
    experiment_name = args.experiment_name
    args_dict = assemble_config(args, all_subparsers)
    with open(f"experiments/{experiment_name}/config_{experiment_name}.yaml", "w") as yaml_file:
        yaml.dump(args_dict, yaml_file, default_flow_style=False, sort_keys=False)