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Bases: Module, ABC

Abstract base class for all NHSSynth models


Name Type Description Default
data DataFrame

The data to train on

metatransformer MetaTransformer

A MetaTransformer to use for converting the generated data to match the original data

batch_size int

The batch size to use during training

use_gpu bool

Flag to determine whether to use the GPU (if available)



Name Type Description

The number of rows in the data


The number of columns in the data

columns Index

The names of the columns in the data


The MetaTransformer (potentially) associated with the model

multi_column_indices list[list[int]]

A list of lists of column indices, where each sublist containts the indices for a one-hot encoded column

single_column_indices list[int]

Indices of all non-onehot columns

data_loader DataLoader

A PyTorch DataLoader for the data

private DataLoader

Whether the model is private, i.e. whether the DPMixin class has been inherited

device DataLoader

The device to use for training (CPU or GPU)


Type Description

If the Model class is directly instantiated (i.e. not inherited)


If the number of columns in the data does not match the number of indices in multi_column_indices and single_column_indices


If use_gpu is True but no GPU is available

Source code in src/nhssynth/modules/model/common/
class Model(nn.Module, ABC):
    Abstract base class for all NHSSynth models

        data: The data to train on
        metatransformer: A `MetaTransformer` to use for converting the generated data to match the original data
        batch_size: The batch size to use during training
        use_gpu: Flag to determine whether to use the GPU (if available)

        nrows: The number of rows in the `data`
        ncols: The number of columns in the `data`
        columns: The names of the columns in the `data`
        metatransformer: The `MetaTransformer` (potentially) associated with the model
        multi_column_indices: A list of lists of column indices, where each sublist containts the indices for a one-hot encoded column
        single_column_indices: Indices of all non-onehot columns
        data_loader: A PyTorch DataLoader for the `data`
        private: Whether the model is private, i.e. whether the `DPMixin` class has been inherited
        device: The device to use for training (CPU or GPU)

        TypeError: If the `Model` class is directly instantiated (i.e. not inherited)
        AssertionError: If the number of columns in the `data` does not match the number of indices in `multi_column_indices` and `single_column_indices`
        UserWarning: If `use_gpu` is True but no GPU is available

    def __init__(
        data: pd.DataFrame,
        metatransformer: MetaTransformer,
        cond: Optional[Union[pd.DataFrame, pd.Series, np.ndarray]] = None,
        batch_size: int = 32,
        use_gpu: bool = False,
    ) -> None:
        if type(self) is Model:
            raise TypeError("Cannot directly instantiate the `Model` class")

        self.nrows, self.ncols = data.shape
        self.columns: pd.Index = data.columns

        self.batch_size = batch_size

        self.metatransformer = metatransformer
        self.multi_column_indices: list[list[int]] = metatransformer.multi_column_indices
        self.single_column_indices: list[int] = metatransformer.single_column_indices
        assert len(self.single_column_indices) + sum([len(x) for x in self.multi_column_indices]) == self.ncols

        tensor_data = torch.Tensor(data.to_numpy())
        self.cond_encoder: Optional[OneHotEncoder] = None
        if cond is not None:
            cond = np.asarray(cond)
            if len(cond.shape) == 1:
                cond = cond.reshape(-1, 1)
            self.cond_encoder = OneHotEncoder(handle_unknown="ignore").fit(cond)
            cond = self.cond_encoder.transform(cond).toarray()
            self.n_units_conditional = cond.shape[-1]
            dataset = TensorDataset(tensor_data, cond)
            self.n_units_conditional = 0
            dataset = TensorDataset(tensor_data)

        self.data_loader: DataLoader = DataLoader(

    def setup_device(self, use_gpu: bool) -> None:
        """Sets up the device to use for training (CPU or GPU) depending on `use_gpu` and device availability."""
        if use_gpu:
            if torch.cuda.is_available():
                self.device: torch.device = torch.device("cuda:0")
                warnings.warn("`use_gpu` was provided but no GPU is available, using CPU")
        self.device: torch.device = torch.device("cpu")

    def save(self, filename: str) -> None:
        """Saves the model to `filename`.""", filename)

    def load(self, path: str) -> None:
        """Loads the model from `path`."""

    def get_args() -> list[str]:
        """Returns the list of arguments to look for in an `argparse.Namespace`, these must map to the arguments of the inheritor."""
        raise NotImplementedError

    def get_metrics() -> list[str]:
        """Returns the list of metrics to track during training."""
        raise NotImplementedError

    def _start_training(self, num_epochs: int, patience: int, displayed_metrics: list[str]) -> None:
        Initialises the training process.

            num_epochs: The number of epochs to train for
            patience: The number of epochs to wait before stopping training early if the loss does not improve
            displayed_metrics: The metrics to display during training, this should be set to an empty list if running `train` in a notebook or the output may be messy

            metrics: A dictionary of lists of tracked metrics, where each list contains the values for each batch
            stats_bars: A dictionary of tqdm status bars for each tracked metric
            max_length: The maximum length of the tracked metric names, used for formatting the tqdm status bars
            start_time: The time at which training started
            update_time: The time at which the tqdm status bars were last updated
        self.num_epochs = num_epochs
        self.patience = patience
        self.metrics = {metric: np.empty(0, dtype=float) for metric in self.get_metrics()}
        displayed_metrics = displayed_metrics or self.get_metrics()
        self.stats_bars = {
            metric: tqdm(total=0, desc="", position=i, bar_format="{desc}", leave=True)
            for i, metric in enumerate(displayed_metrics)
        self.max_length = max([len(add_spaces_before_caps(s)) + 5 for s in displayed_metrics] + [20])
        self.start_time = self.update_time = time.time()

    def _generate_metric_str(self, key) -> str:
        """Generates a string to display the current value of the metric `key`."""
        return f"{(add_spaces_before_caps(key) + ':').ljust(self.max_length)}  {np.mean(self.metrics[key][-len(self.data_loader) :]):.4f}"

    def _record_metrics(self, losses):
        """Records the metrics for the current batch to file and updates the tqdm status bars."""
        for key in self.metrics.keys():
            if key in losses:
                if losses[key]:
                    self.metrics[key] = np.append(
                        self.metrics[key], losses[key].item() if isinstance(losses[key], torch.Tensor) else losses[key]
        if time.time() - self.update_time > 0.5:
            for key, stats_bar in self.stats_bars.items():
                self.update_time = time.time()

    def _check_patience(self, epoch: int, metric: float) -> bool:
        """Maintains `_min_metric` and `_stop_counter` to determine whether to stop training early according to `patience`."""
        if epoch == 0:
            self._stop_counter = 0
            self._min_metric = metric
            self._patience_delta = self._min_metric / 1e4
        if metric < (self._min_metric - self._patience_delta):
            self._min_metric = metric
            self._stop_counter = 0  # Set counter to zero
        else:  # elbo has not improved
            self._stop_counter += 1
        return self._stop_counter == self.patience

    def _finish_training(self, num_epochs: int) -> None:
        """Closes each of the tqdm status bars and prints the time taken to do `num_epochs`."""
        for stats_bar in self.stats_bars.values():
        tqdm.write(f"Completed {num_epochs} epochs in {time.time() - self.start_time:.2f} seconds.\033[0m")

get_args() abstractmethod classmethod

Returns the list of arguments to look for in an argparse.Namespace, these must map to the arguments of the inheritor.

Source code in src/nhssynth/modules/model/common/
def get_args() -> list[str]:
    """Returns the list of arguments to look for in an `argparse.Namespace`, these must map to the arguments of the inheritor."""
    raise NotImplementedError

get_metrics() abstractmethod classmethod

Returns the list of metrics to track during training.

Source code in src/nhssynth/modules/model/common/
def get_metrics() -> list[str]:
    """Returns the list of metrics to track during training."""
    raise NotImplementedError


Loads the model from path.

Source code in src/nhssynth/modules/model/common/
def load(self, path: str) -> None:
    """Loads the model from `path`."""


Saves the model to filename.

Source code in src/nhssynth/modules/model/common/
def save(self, filename: str) -> None:
    """Saves the model to `filename`.""", filename)


Sets up the device to use for training (CPU or GPU) depending on use_gpu and device availability.

Source code in src/nhssynth/modules/model/common/
def setup_device(self, use_gpu: bool) -> None:
    """Sets up the device to use for training (CPU or GPU) depending on `use_gpu` and device availability."""
    if use_gpu:
        if torch.cuda.is_available():
            self.device: torch.device = torch.device("cuda:0")
            warnings.warn("`use_gpu` was provided but no GPU is available, using CPU")
    self.device: torch.device = torch.device("cpu")